I am a PhD student at Stanford University advised by Prof. Shuran Song.
My B.S. and M.S. are from UC Berkeley, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Pieter Abbeel at Berkeley AI Research (BAIR).
I'm broadly interested in AI for robotics: data-driven approaches that enable embodied systems to perceive, reason, and make sequential decisions in the real world.
Summer 2024: Research intern at Nvidia robotics lab in Santa Clara, CA.
Fall 2023: After a year at Columbia University, I moved with my lab to Stanford and will continue my PhD here.
Summer 2022: Research intern at Meta AI in Pittsburgh, PA.
Semantically Controllable Augmentations for Generalizable Robot Learning
Zoey Chen*, Zhao Mandi*, Homanga Bharadhwaj*, Mohit Sharma, Shuran Song, Abhishek Gupta, Vikash Kumar
International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2024
[Project Website]
We posit that image-text generative models, which are pre-trained on large corpora of web-scraped data, can serve as such a data source. These generative models encompass a broad range of real-world scenarios beyond a robot's direct experience and can synthesize novel synthetic experiences that expose robotic agents to additional world priors aiding real-world generalization at no extra cost.
Real2Code: Reconstruct Articulated Objects via Code Generation
Zhao Mandi, Yijia Weng, Dominik Bauer, Shuran Song
We present a novel approach to reconstructing articulated objects via code generation. By leveraging pre-trained vision and language models, our approach scales elegantly with the number of articulated parts, and generalizes from synthetic training data to real world objects in unstructured environments.
MD-Splatting: Learning Metric Deformation from 4D Gaussians in Highly Deformable Scenes
Bardienus P. Duisterhof, Zhao Mandi, Yunchao Yao, Jia-Wei Liu, Mike Zheng Shou, Shuran Song, Jeffrey Ichnowski
We achieve simultaneous 3D dense point tracking and dynamic novel view synthesis on highly deformable objects.
Our method, MD-Splatting, builds on recent advances in Gaussian splatting and learns a deformation function to project a set of canonical Gaussians into metric space, and enforce physics-inspired regularization terms based on local rigidity, conservation of momentum, and isometry.
RoCo: Dialectic Multi-Robot Collaboration with Large Language Models
Zhao Mandi, Shreeya Jain, Shuran Song
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
[Project Website]
A novel approach to multi-robot collaboration that harnesses the power of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) for both high-level communication and low-level path planning. Robots are equipped with LLMs to discuss and collectively reason task strategies; then generate sub-task plans and task space waypoint paths, which are used by a multi-arm motion planner to accelerate trajectory planning.
A framework for multi-task, multi-scene robotic manipulation. It easily scales to many tasks, and uses recent advances in text2image generative models (e.g. stable-diffusion) to augment demonstration data with realistic visual variances.
We show that multi-task pretraining with fine-tuning can perform equally as well, or better, than meta-pretraining with meta test-time adaptation. We evaluate on a novel setting using vision-based RL benchmarks, including Procgen, RLBench, and Atari, where training is done across distinct tasks, and evaluations are made on completely novel tasks.
We extend one-shot imitation learning to an ambitious multi-task setup, and support this formulation by a 7-task vision-based robotic manipulation benchmark. We propose our method, MOSAIC, that tackles challenges in multi-task one-shot imitation by improving network architecture and self-supervised representation learning.
We propose a conceptually simple way to manage a data curriculum to provide samples from a teacher to a student, and show that this facilitates learning in offline and mostly-offline RL.
We investigate whether it makes sense to provide samples that are at a reasonable level of "difficulty" for a learner agent,
and empirically test on the standard Atari 2600 benchmark.